For many the history of tailoring does not emit a sense of excitement that one might think when hearing other craftsmanship trades. However that is far from the truth. The history of tailoring dates all the way back to the 13th century. For hundreds of years, tailoring was a natural part of any man’s daily life. The idea of owning a well-custom tailored outfit was a necessity. A tailor became a man’s go to for wardrobe etiquette and style.
Having a good tailor was like having a good barber or hairdresser. A good tailor understands one's needs and preferences while guaranteeing a fit and quality that is otherwise unattainable. In other words, a tailor is no different than an artist. In order to reach the status of a master tailor, one had to start as an apprentice. An apprentice not only had to be willing to learn the necessary secrets, but also practice them for years. For the tailors that had become masters of their craft, some were lucky that tailoring became a pathway to the American Dream.
Tailor Shop, is an award winning short film that is inspired by true events. The story is about a tailor that relives the memories of an old love as he prepares to retire and sell the shop that he has once called home. The film is loosely based on the life of John Pugliese. John is an Italian immigrant who left his country during the Mussolini regime; a regime built on fear and censorship. With only twenty dollars in his pocket, John decided to leave his mother, father and siblings behind and do what many immigrants did, capture his idea of the American Dream. You see for John, the American Dream meant success for himself, his siblings, his children, and his grandchildren. Living inItaly he witnessed a government that did not allow for social and financial mobility. At least in America there was the fighting chance, one that Italy could not provide.

However, John’s American Dream was not going to be an easy one. Working sixteen hour a days, learning a new language, and being separated from his family, was the price to be paid. From the start, John worked two jobs as his business was just beginning. Certain customers would get his work for free, simply because he respected them. Many would consider that to be the traits of a terrible businessman, but John saw more to life than just money. This selfless mentality would be something that many would respect him for and wouldn’t forget. His kindness and hard work paid off as he began to make the right investments and meet the right connections.
Slowly, John was able to bring over his mother, father and his siblings from Italy and eventually start a family of his own. For many their story would end, having already accomplished a great deal, but not for John. You see John wanted his grandchildren to be able to live the life they wanted as well. Figuring out new investments and opportunities allowed him to once again broaden his goal.

John’s life did not come without great tragedies. John lost his first wife to cancer in his fifties. Years later, John would eventually remarry with his second wife who showed him another side to life that he is forever grateful for. She showed him a life that went beyond work. If you were to ask John about the times he remembers he constantly brings up the traveling around the world for months with his second wife. However, tragically John lost his second wife to cancer two years ago. Now at age 86, John looks back at his long life and sees it filled with beauty and darkness. He has lost two wives, only two out of his five siblings remain, but he has a son, a daughter, and five grandchildren to carry on his name. You would think with all that he has seen and experienced John would want to rest, but that is far from the case. If you were to sit with him today and ask what else do you want in life he will tell you, “His grandchildren’s happiness.”

For the filming of Tailor Shop, John helped out with actors Len Bellezza and Marc Lombardo on how to be a tailor. Ask any of these two actors and they will say that his dedication to his craft speaks highly of the man’s character. During the filming of Tailor Shop, people came by curious to see what was going on. Some had feared he had died, while others were happy to see that a film was being done about him. People would stop by just to speak highly to crew members about John. The tailor shop which will still resides today serves as a reminder to John of the life he has lived. It’s a place he goes for solitude, not necessarily to work. Like the character in the movie, the tailor shop is a part of him, his second home.
No one can deny or diminish the life that John has lived, one that has granted him the opportunity to live to his fullest potential as a man.