What We Provide

In the area of music videos, Elon Productions is well versed in helping the artists of today and tomorrow achieve their vision. We have a talented group of directors, cinematographers, and writers that are experienced in working with artists through the video making and marketing process. No matter where you are in your musical career, we deliver music videos with tight budgets and fast turnarounds.



A photo of Sans Patrie, Brooklyn Artist, New York City, Photography, Music Video

We understand how difficult it can be for artists to market themselves, that is why we’re here to help. Our team will sit down with you and develop a marketing strategy for your content to help you stay on track in your musical career.

A photo of Sans Patrie, brooklyn, content creator, musican, music


Making a music video is a step in the right direction in your musical career, but that doesn’t mean you should stop there. In addition to your music videos, we provide interview material and professional photography that gives you more content to release.